Project time:  January 2024
Project location:  Piacenza, Italy

Project Introduction
The recent rate of global sea level rise has deviated from the average rate of the past two to three thousand years and is rising even faster, at about one-tenth of an inch per year. This trend may accelerate, potentially leading to alarming changes in the world's coastlines. The Alps have also been affected by the recent melting of glaciers, leading to flooding of the Po River - this is how we imagine the post-human era scenario.

The Caorso nuclear power plant, located along the Po River Basin, was built in the 1970s, commissioned in 1981, ceased operation in October 1986, and was decommissioned in 1999 and dismantled. Due to the private nature of the nuclear power plant, the surrounding land use has remained virtually unchanged for decades, woodlands and wetlands have been protected, and the overall ecological environment has remained stable and favorable. The decommissioned nuclear power plant has become a local landmark.

In the post-human era, the environment, nature and non-human entities will be regarded as equally important. The project aims to enhance the region's adaptability and resilience to flooding, improve the stability and resilience of the ecosystem, and at the same time provide a guarantee that human civilization in the region will return and develop in the post-human era. The seed bank within the site will act as a 'spark' when the global floods are over. It will promote ecological restoration and create an environment suitable for human and other life to coexist.

                        GENERAL ANALYSIS

                                 PO RIVER ANALYSIS      Site Overview


                                 Meso Scale Landuse Change Analysis



                                 Macro Scale Landuse Change Analysis


                                 Soil Analysis  


                                                                       Soil Type 

                                 Wetland Strategy


                                 Species Distribution Status


                                 Species Distribution Strategy  

                                                                       Section A - A'                             


                                 Concept Of Design                                                                                      Strategy




                                 Road Types


                                 Proposal                                                           Site Demolition And Reconstruction Plan



                                 Mesoscale Masterplan



                                 Micro Scale Masterplan


                                 Design Analysis                                            Sections 



                                 Zoom In Plan Of Area-A                                                   Zoom In Plan Of Area-B

                                 Zoom In Plan Of Area-C     Zoom In Plan Of Area-D     

                                 Section A-A’ 1:200

                                 Section B-B’ 1:200



                                 Rendering of Area - B



                                 Rendering of Area - A


                                 Rendering of Area - C



                                 Nuclear Power Plant Species Distribution


                                 Regional Microclimate Analysis